MCQs on Endocrine System with Answer

NEET Biology MCQs on Endocrine System 

Hormones are chemicals that are produced in the body, and they control some tasks of certain cells in the body’s organs, and many hormones are produced by special glands called endocrine glands, from these thyroid glands that secrete thyroid hormone, and the pituitary gland that secretes many hormones Responsible for basic functions in the body, hormones play an essential role in the activities of daily life, including the process of digestion, metabolism, growth, reproduction, mood swings, etc., and some hormones – such as neurotransmitters – have an effect on more than one bodily process.

Each gland in the endocrine system is responsible for secreting a specific type of hormones into the bloodstream, and these hormones travel through the blood to other cells to help control or contribute to many of the body’s tasks. Any slight disruption in the work of any of the glands may lead to an imbalance. 

MCQs on Endocrine System

Types of Endocrine glands 

Adrenal glands: They are two glands located above the kidneys, and they secrete cortisol .

 ● The hypothalamus – or hypothalamus – is a part of the lower midbrain, which directs the pituitary gland to secrete hormones. 

The ovaries: They are the two organs that produce eggs in the female reproductive system , and they also secrete female sex hormones. 

Islet cells in the pancreas: a group of cells located in the pancreas responsible for the two hormones that regulate sugar, insulin and glucagon. 

Parathyroid glands : These are the glands near the thyroid gland that secrete the hormone that plays a role in the development of the bone structure and raising the level of calcification in the blood. 

Pineal gland: It is a small gland located roughly in the center of the brain, and is believed to be responsible for the body’s biological clock and sleep times. The 

Pituitary gland: It is also a small gland located at the base of the brain behind the sinuses, and it is sometimes called the lady’s gland, as it affects many other glands, especially the thyroid gland, and any problem in the pituitary gland may lead to diseases at the level of the bones and the menstrual cycle in the female and the secretion of breast milk and others . 

Testicles : These are the two glands responsible for producing sperm in a man, and they produce male sex hormones. 

Temus: It is a gland located above the chest, which contributes to strengthening and building the body’s immunity in the early stages of life. 

The thyroid gland: It is a butterfly-like gland located in front of the neck, and it controls the body’s metabolism.

Multiple Choice Questions on Endocrine System 

1. Hormones are produced by_________

(a) Exocrine glands 

(b) Endocrine glands

(c) Holocrine glands 

(d) Apocrine glands

Answer: b

2. Hormone that promotes cell division, protein synthesis and bone growth is__________

(a) ADH

(b) PTH

(c) ACTH

(d) GH

Answer : d

3.Hormone is a/an_____________

(a) Enzyme

(b) Chemical messenger 

(c) Excretory product 

(d) Glandular secretion

Answer: b

4. Hormone produced in allergic reactions is___________

(a) Glucocorticoid 

(b) Mineralocorticoid

(c) Norepinephrine

(d) Epinephrine 

Answer: a

5. Hormone connected with increased rate of glycogenesis, blood pressure and heart beat is__________

(a) Insulin

(b) Glucagons

(c) Adrenaline 

(d) FSH 

Answer: c

6. Thyroid deficiency in infant leads to_______

(a) Hypothyroidismn 

(b) Myxoedema

(c) Cretinism

(d) Thyrotoxicosis

Answer: C

7. Oxytocin controls________

(a) Growth

(b) Lactation 

(c) Child birth

(d) Both a & b

Answer: d

8. Anti-ageing hormone is________

(a) Thyroxine

(b) Estrogen

(c) Melatonin

(d) Testosterone

Answer: C

9. What will happen if the thyroid is removed from a tadpole?

(a) The tadpole will grow into a dwart frog

(b) The larva will produce a giant frog

(c) It will çontinue indefinitely in larval stage

(d) The larva will die

Answer: a

10. The male sex hormone is called_____

(a) Vasopressin

(b) Gonadotropic harmone

(c) FSH

(d) Testosterone 

Answer: d

11. Human chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by__________

(a) Chorion

(b) Amnion

(c) Placenta

(d) Corpus luteum

Answer: C

12. Parathormone intluences calcium absorption in the small intestine by regulating the metabolism of_________

(a) Vitamin-D 

(b) Enterogastrone

(c) Vitamin-C

(d) Vitamin-B

Answer: a

13. This gastrointestinal hormone stimulates insulin secretion.__________

(a) CCK

(b) Gastrin

(c) Secretin

(d) GIP

Answer: GIP 

14. The person showing low BMR, possibly may be suffering from__________

(a) Myxoedema

(b) Cretinism 

(c) Hashimoto’s disease 

(d) Grave’s disease

Answer: b.

15. Which is not produced by basophils? 

(a) LH

(b) TSH

(c) LTH

(d) FSH 

Answer: c

16. Which is not a symptom of exophthalmic goitre?

(a) Degenerating sex organs

(b) Protrusion of eyeball

(c) Frightened look to the patient

(d) None of the above

Answer: a

17. A steroid harmone which regulates glucose metabolism is__________

(a) Cortisol

(b) Corticosterone

(c) 11-deoxycorticosterone

(d) Cortisone

Answer: a

18. Corpus luteum secretes_______

(a) Progesterone

(b) Estrogen

(c) Lutenizing hormone

(d) Follicle stimulating hormone

Answer : a

19. Insulin and glucagon are transported to target organ by_______

(a) Lymph

(b) Blood 

(c) Pancreatic duct

(d) cystic duct

Answer  : B

20. Formation of corpus luteum is influenced by________

(a) LH

(b) Blood

(c) Progesterone 

(d) Cystic duct

Answer: A

21. The gonadotropic hormones are produced in___________

(a) Interstitial cells of testes

(b) Adrenal cortex

(c) Adenohypophysis of pituitary

(d) Posterior part of thyroid

Answer : C

22. Cholecystokinin and duocrinin are secreted by______

(a) Adrenal corteex

(b) Thyroid gland

(c) Pancreas

(d) Intestine

Answer: d

23. The most important component of oral contraceptive pills is___________

(a) Progesterone

(b) Growth hormone

(c) Thyroxine

(d) Luteinizing harmone

Answer: A

24. Tablets to prevent contraception contain______

(a) Progesterone

(b) Luteinizing hormone

(c) FSH

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Answer: A

25. Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone which_________

(a) Elevates potassium level in blood

(b) Lowers calcium level in blood

(C) Elevates calcium level in blood

(d) Has no effect on calcium

Answer: B

26. Epinephrine on the basis of its chemical nature is a/an________

(a) Peptide hormone

(b) Steroid

(c) lodothyronine

(d) Amino acid derivative

Answer: D

27. Which of the following hormones is correctly matche  with its deficiency disease?

(a) Relaxin   – Cretinism 

(b) Parathormone – Tetany 

(c) Insulin – Diabetes Insipidus 

(d) Prolactin – Astigmatism 

Answer: A

28. Function of ADH is 

(a) Reabsorption of water

(b) Reabsorption of sodium

(c) Diluting the urine

(d) Increasing sugar level in urine

Answer  : B

29. Which of the following is produced by genetically engineered bacteria?

(a) Thyroxine

(b) Glucagon

(c) Insulin 

(d) ADH

Answer: C

30. Placenta present in mammals acts as an endocrine tissue and produces

(a) Human chorionic gonadotropin

(b) Estrogen

(c) Progesterone

(d) Testosterone

Answer:  A

31. Which of the following is an accumulation and release

centre of neuroharmones 

(a) Posterior pituitary lobe

(b) Intermediate lobe of the pituitary

(c) Hypothalamus

(d) Anterior pituitary lobe

Answer  : C

32. Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone known as

(a) FSH

(b) Prolactin

(c) GH

(d) LH

Answer : A

33. A steroid hormone which regulates glucose metabolism is______

(a) Cortisol

(b) Corticosterone

(c) 11-deoxycorticosterone

(d) Cortisone

Answer: A. Cortisol

34.Which one of the following pairs of organs includes only the endocrine glands?

(a) Parathyroid and adrenal

(b) Pancreas and parathyroid

(c) Thymus and testes

(d) Adrenal and ovary

Answer: A

35. Which gland plays key role in metamorphosis of frog?

(a) Adrenal

(b) Thymus

(c) Thyroid 

(d) Pancreas 

Answer: A

36. Gonadotropic hormone is secreted by_________

(a) Pituitary gland 

(b) Adrenal gland

(c) Thyroid gland

(d) None

Answer: A

37. Acromegaly is due to hypersecretion of________

(a) Thyroxine

(b) Insulin

(c) Growth hormone 

(d) None of these

Answer : C

38. Follicle simulating hormone is secreted by________

(a) Anterior lobe of pituitary

(b) Hypothalamus

(c) Gonads

(d) Posterior lobe of pituitary

Answer: A

39. Which one of the following is a temporary endocrine gland?

(a) Pineal

(b) Placenta

(c) Pancreas 

(d) Parathyroid 

Answer  : B

40. Function of relaxin hormone is to_______

(a) Relax pubic symphysis

(b) Relax ovaries

(c) Relax uterus

(d) Relax fallopian tube

Answer: A

41. A decrease in the level of estrogen and progesterone causes_________

(a) Growth and dilation of myometrium

(b) Growth of endometrium

(c) Constriction of uterine blood vessels leading to sloughing uterine epithelium

(d) Release of ovum from the ovary

Answer: C

42. Which hormone stimulates the secretion of milk during sucking of milk by baby?

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Prolactin

(c) Relaxin

(d) Progesterone

Answer: A

43. Pick out the wrong statement.

(a) Vasopressin is an antidiuretic hornmone

(b) Sex hormones are proteinaceous in nature

(c) LH and ICSH are the same hormones

(d) Glucagon is a catabolic hormone

Answer: B

44. The hormone released from placenta is_______

(a) Prolactin

(b) FSH

(c) Human chorionic gonadotropin

(d) Prothrombin

Answer: C

45. The hormone glucagon_____

(a) Has the opposite effect as that of insulin

(b) Is produced in the beta cells of pancreas

(c) Converts glucose into glycogen

(d) Is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Answer: A

46. Blood sugar level can be decreased by________

(a) Insulin given from mouth

(b) Glucagon given through mouth

(c) Intravenous injection of insulin

(d) Intravenous lnjecion of glucagons

Answer: C

47. Which of the folloWing statements are false/true?
A. Calcitonin regulates the metabolism of calcium
B. Oxytocin stimulates contraction of uterine muscles during birth
C. Grave’s disease is caused by malfunctioning of adrenal gland
D. ADH stimulates absorption of water and increase the urine production

(a) A and C are true; B and D are false
(b) A and B are true; C and D are false
(c) A and D are false; B and C are true
(d) A, B and C are true; D only false
Answer: B

48. Progesterone is a/an_____
(a) Enzyme for digesting proteins
(b) Hormone to initiate uterine contraction during child birth
(c) Amino acid which may cause alkaptonuria
(d) Hormone concerned with retention and growth of pregnancy
Answer: D

49. The placenta helps in the maintenance or pregnaney by secreting a hormone, known as______
(a) Thyroxine
(b) Estrogen
(C) Progesterone
(d) Testosterone
Answer : C

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