Morphology of flowering Plants NEET Questions with Answers Pdf

Morphology of flowering plant MCQ  : 

The flowering plants also referred to as angiosperms, are the most dominant plants of the present day.Geologically, tney comprise about 300,000 species.The study of various external features of the plant is known as plant morphology. Angiospermic plants show a great variety of shape, size and form.The size ranges from the minute Wolffia and Lemna (0.1cm) to the tall Eucalyptus (upto 100 metre) and large-sized Banyan (Ficus benghalensis).

Some thrive well on land under moderate climatic (mesophytes), and others in water (hydrophytes), in dry conditions (xerophytes), on other plants (epiphytes), on rocks (lithophytes), on sand (psammophytes) or in saline habitats (halophytes).

There are some which are parasitic (Cuscuta), Saprophytic (Monotropa) or insectivorous (Utricularia). The plant body consists of a main axis which is Eenerally divided into an underground part (root) and anal part (shoot). These are also referred to as root and systems. The shoot comprises stem, leaves, flowers, fruits. Flower is a modified shoot.

Morphology of flowering plants NEET Questions and answer are prepare for class 11 and NEET students. These fully solved MCQ on Morphology of flowering plants questions are applicable to all college students, freshers or experienced as well as various tests & contests in colleges. NEET Aspirants can enhance their knowledge by regular practice which will help them crack any exam exam. Free PDF Download of NEET Morphology of flowering plant Important Questions of key topics. Practice NEET Important Chapterwise Questions solved by our expert.

Morphology of flowering plant MCQ


Morphology of flowering plant Previously Asked NEET MCQ Questions: 

1. Plants which produce characteristics Pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to_______

(a) Mesophytes

(b) Psammophytes

(c) Halophytes

(d) Hydrophytes

Answer : C


2. Coconut fruit is a_______

(a) Drupe

(b) Berry

(c) Nut

(d) Capsule

Answer: A


3. Cotyledon of maize grain is called__________

(a) Scutellum

(b) Plumule 

(c) Coleorhiza

(d) Coleoptile

Answer: A


4. Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, guava, bean, chilli, plum, petunia, tomato, rose, withania, potato, onion, aloe and tulip how many plants have hypogynous flower?

(a) Ten

(b) Fifteen

(c) Eigtheen

(d) Six

Answer : B


5. Placentation in tomato and lemon is________

(a) Marginal

(b) Parietal

(c) Axile

(d) Free-central

Answer : C


6. Stems modified into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as__________

(a) Scales

(c) Phyllodes

(b) Cladodes

(d) Phylloclades

Answer : D


7. Leaves become modified into spines in_______

(a) Silk cotton

(b) Cucumber 

(c) Grape vine

(d) Opuntia 

Answer: D


8. Leaf tendrils are found in_____

(a) Pea

(b) Grape vine

(c) Opuntia

(d) Onion

Answer : A


9. An example of edible underground stem is________

(a) Cucumber 

(b) Carrot

(c) Sweet potato

(d) Potato 

Answer : D


10. Phyllode is present in________

(a) Australian Acacia

(b) Asparagus

(c) Opuntia 

(d) Euphorbia

Answer : A


11. Vegetative propagation in Pistia occurs by___________
(a) Stolon
(b) Runner
(c) Offset
(d) Sucker

Answer : C


12. Cymose inflorescene is present in__________

(a) Brassica

(b) Trifolium

(c) Solanu

(d) Sesbania

Answer : C


13. How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation?
Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Tobacco Sunhemp, Chilli, Colchicine, Onion, Moong, Pea, Lupin.

(a) Four

(b) Five

(c) Six

(d) Three

Answer : C


14. The ovary is half inferior in flowers of_________

(a) Guava

(b) Cucumber

(c) Peach

(d) Cotton

Answer: C


15. The technical term used for the androecium in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is___________

(a) Polyadelphous

(b) Diadelphous

(c) Monadelphous

(d) Polyandrous

Answer : C


16. In unilocular ovary with a single ovule the placentation is_________

(a) Axile

(b) Basal

(c) Marginal

(d) Free central

Answer : B


17. Ovary is half-inferior in the flowers of________

(a) Cucumber

(b) Guava

(c) Plum

(d) Brinjal

Answer : C


18. In china rose the flower are________

(a) Actinomorphic, epigynous with valvate aestivation

(b) Zygomorphic, hypogynous with imbricate aestivation

(c) Zygomorphic, epigynous with twisted aestivation

(d) Actionomorphic, hypogynous with twisted aestivation

Answer : D


19. What type of placentation is seen in sweet pea ?

(a) Basal

(b) Axile

(c) Free central 

(d) Marginal 

Answer : D


20. The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is also called_______

(a) Corona

(b) Carina

(c) Pappus

(d) Vexillum

Answer : B


21. Non-albuminous seed is produced in_______

(a) Maizee

(b) Castor

(c) Wheat

(d) Pea

Answer : D


22. An aggregate fruit is the one which develops from__________

(a) Multicarpellary, apocarpous gynoecium

(b) Complete inflorescence

(c) Multicarpellary, superior ovary

(d) Multicarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium

Answer : A


23. Seed coat is not thin, membranous in_______

(a) Coconut

(b) Groundnut

(c) Gram

(d) Maize 

Answer : A


24. Which one of the flowing statements is correct_________

(a) Flower of tulip is a modified shoot

(b) In tomato, fruit is a capsule

(c) Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperm

(d) Placentation in Primrose is basal

Answer : A


25. Radial symmetry is found in the flowers of________

(a) Cassia

(b) Trifolium

(c) Brassica

(d) Pisum

Answer: C


26. The term polyadelphous is related to__________

(a) Calyx

(b) Androecium

(c) Gynoecium

(d) Corolla

Answer: B


27. How many plants among Indigofera, Sesbania, Salvia, Allium, Aloe, mustard, groundnut, radish,.gram and turnip have stamens with different lengths in their flowers ?

(a) Three

(b) Five

(c) Four

(d) Six

Answer : C


28. Pneumatophores occur in_________

(a) Carnivorous plants

(b) Free-floating hydrophytes

(c) Halophytes

(d) Submerged hydrophytes

Answer: C


29. Sweet potato is a modified__________

(a) Stem

(b) Tap root

(c) Rhizome

(d) Adventitious root

Answer : D


30. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modification of____________

(a) Stipules 

(b) Adventitious root 

(c) Stem 

(d) Leaf 

Answer : C


31. Which of the following is not Stem modification_________

(a) Flattened structure of Opuntia 

(b) Pitcher of Nepenthes  

(c) Thorns of Citrus

(d) Tendril of Cucumber.

Answer: B


32. Free-central placentation is found in___________

(a) Argemone

(b) Dianthus

(c) Brassica

(d) Citrus

Answer: B


33. Flowers are unisexual in_________

(a) Onion 

(b) Pea

(c) Cucumber 

(d) China rose 

Answer: C



Morphology of flowering plant MCQ for Class 11

1. Single cotyledon of a monocot is_______

(a) Plumule

(b) Epicotyl

(c) Coleorrhiza

(d) Scutellum

Answer: D


2. The thick roots that hang down from the banyan tree are called________

(a) Buttress roots

(b) Pneumatophores

(c) Prop roots

(d) Stilt roots

Answer: C


3.Cocoloba (Muehlenbeckia) furnish good example of_______

(a) Insectivorous plants  

(b) Tendril climber

(c) Phylloclade

(d) Phyllode

Answer: C


4. Hypanthodium refers to a specialized type of_______

(a) Thalamus

(b) Ovary

(c) Fruit

(d) Inflorescence

Answer: D


5. Which of the following is a modified green stem with one internode ?

(a) Rhizome

(b) Bulbil

(c) Cladode

(d) Phylloclade

Answer: C


6. In which of the following plants does the stem perform the function of storage and perennation?

(a) Radish

(b) Wheat

(c) Ginger

(d) Groundnut

Answer: C


7. Find out the incorrect one (w.r.t. pinnate compound leaf)

(a) Feather like outline ee

(b) Leaflets are attached to the tip of petiole

(c) Leaflets bearing axis is a continuation of petiole

(d) Leaflets occur in two rows

Answer: B


8. Ovary is half-inferior in the flowers of_________

(a) Guava

(b) Plum

(c) Brinjal

(d) Cucumber

Answer : B


9. Gyandrous condition shows________

(a) Adhesion of stamens with petals

(b) Adhesion of stamens with carpel

(c) Stamens are united throughout their whole length

(d) All anthers are united except filament

Answer: B


10. % sign is used for

(a) Actinomorphic flower

(b) Zygomorphic flower

(c) Incomplete flower

(d) Epigynous flower

Answer : B


11. A monocarpic plant is one, which__________

(a) Has only one carpel

(b) Produces only one seed

(c) Produces fruits only once in lifetime

(d) Produces only one fruit

Answer : C


12. The most impotant external factor for seed germination is_______

(a) Light

(b) Soil

(c) Water

(d) Oxygen

Answer : C


13.  Hypogeal germination of albuminous seed is seen in__________

(a) Maize

(b) Castor

(c) Gramn

(d) Bean

Answer: A


14. In Agave vegetative reproduction is carried out through_______

(a) Bulbils

(b) Rhizome

(c) Stolon

(d) Sucker

Answer: A


15. The stipules are modified into tendrils in________

(a) Smilax

(b) Asphodelus

(c) Gloriosa

(d) Asparagus

Answer: A


16. The presence of sheathing leat base is characteristics of______

(a) Fern Leaf

(b) Sensiviera leaf

(c) Grass leaf

(c) Cycas leaf

Answer: C


17. Which one of the tollowing is not a rhizome?

(a) Lotus

(b) Ginger

(c) Turmeric

(d) Colocasia

Answer: D


18. Select correct statement w.r.t. tertiary roots__________

(a) They are apogeotropic

(b) They are orthogeotropic

(c) They are negatively geotropic

(d) They are exogenous in origin

Answer : A


19. Root apices are covered by root cap which is associated with________

(a) Graviperception 

(b) Penetration of root in soil

(c) Absorption of minerals

(d) More than one are correct

Answer: D


20. In some aquatic plants, the root apices possess loose finger-glove like coverings called root pockets which are meant for________

(a) Balancing

(b) Protection from zooplanktons

(c) Attachment to the substratum

(d) Storage of food

Answer : A


21. Find out incorrect statement w.r.t. beet root________

(a) Modified tap root

(b) More than half of fleshy part is contributed by hypocotyl

(c) It suddenly tapers towards apex

(d) Secondary roots do not arise from apical part

Answer : D


22. In a single seeded fruit, single seed develops due to presence of_________

(a) One carpel

(b) One placenta in ovary

(c) Unilocular ovary

(d) Single ovule in ovary

Answer: D


23. The fruit of apple is said to be a false fruit because________

(a) Its pericarp is inconspicuous

(b) Its endocarp is cartilaginous

(c) Its actual fruit is located within an edible fleshy thalamus (pseudocarp)

(d) It develops from an inferior ovary

Answer: C


24. Winged fruits are commonly called________

(a) Cypsela

(b) Samara

(c) Regma

(d) Siliqua

Answer : B


25. Which of the following is the fruit of Hibiscus esculentus?

(a) Cypsela

(b) Capsule

(c) Legunme

(d) Pome

Answer: B


26. A fruit having an endocarp with sub-epidermal juice sacs or hairs on the inner side of its locules, a spongy white mesocarp and leathery epicarp having oil galnds is called_______
(a) Pome

(b) Pepo

(c) Drupe

(d) Hesperidium

Answer: B


27. Syconus (syconium) type of fruit develops from which type of inflorescence?

(a) Cyathium

(b) Hypanthodium

(c) Catkin

(d) Spike

Answer: B


28. when we eat pear, some sturdiness is experienced which is due to________

(a) Stone cells

(b) Latex cells

(c) Reticular cells

(d) Chlorenchyma

Answer: A


29. The production of seedless fruits is called_________

(a) Pollination

(b) Ovulation

(c) Parthenocarpy

(d) Eugenics

Answer : C


30. Study of seed is called__________

(a) Embryology 

(b) Palynology

(c) Spermology

(d) Pomology

Answer : C


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