Transport in plant NEET Questions Pdf Download

Transport in Plants MCQ For NEET

In a tlowering plant, the substances that would need to be transported are water, mineral nutrients, organic nutrient and plant growth regulators. Over small distances, substances move by diffusion and by cytoplasmic streaming supplemented by active transport.

Transport over longer distances proceeds through the vascular system (the xylem and the phloem) and is called translocation. In rooted plants, transport in xylem (of water and minerals) is essentially unidirectional, from roots to the stems.

Organic and mineral nutrition undergo  Organic multidirectional transport. Organic compounds synthesised in the photosynthetic leaves are exported to all other parts of the plant including storage organs. From the storage organs they are later re-exported.

Hormones or plant growth regulators and other chemical stimuli are also transported, though in very small amount

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Transport in Plants MCQ


MCQ on Transport in Plants for NEET Pdf 

1. The rate of absorpuon of water is slow at temperature freezing point because_______

(a) It is mainl a metabolic process

(b) Cell mbrane becomes more viscous

(c) Growth of cells stops

(d) Transpiration is retarded

Answer : B


2. The phenomenon of uptake of water at the expense of energy by the cell and usually against the osmotic gradient is known as__________

(a) Active absorption

(b) Imbibition

(c) Osmosis

(d) Passive absorption

Answer: A


3. The restoration of turgidity in a plasmolysed cell, when placed in a hypotonic solution is caused by_______

(a) Hydration

(b) Electrolysis

(c) Plasmolysis

(d) Deplasmolysis

Answer : D


4. Transpiration-cohesion-tension theory operates in________

(a) Active absorption

(b) Passive absorption

(c) Both active and passive

(d) None of these

Answer : B


5. Water potential in a cell of root hair absorbing water is__________

(a) Zero

(6) Less than zero

(c) More than zero

(d) More than that of soil water

Answer : B


6. When a fully turgid cell is placed in highly concentrated solution_________

(a) Gets plasmolysed and some concentrated solution fills in the gap between cell membrane and cell wall

(b) Gets deplasmolysed

(c) Remains as such

(d) Anything may happen

Answer: A


7. Cohesive force is associated with________

(a) Transpiration

(b) Ascent of sap

(d) None of these

(c) Absorption of water

Answer : B


8. When water moves through a semipermeable membrane then which of the following pressure develops?

(a) O.P.

(b) S.P.

(c) T.P.

(d) W.P.

Answer: C


9. Addition ofa solute to pure water causes________

(a) Negative water potential

(b) More negative water potential

(c) Positive water potential

(d) More positive water potential

Answer: A


10. Most water absorption in plants takes place through________

(a) Root cap

(b) Root apex

(c) Root hair zone

(d) Meristematic zone

Answer: C


11. Potometer works on the principle______

(a) Osmotie pressure

(b) Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired

(c) Potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant

(d) Root pressure

Answer: B


12. The water potential of pure water is_________

(a) Zero

(b) Less than zero

(c) More than zero but less than one

(d) More than one

Answer : A


13. Which one of the following structures between two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway________

(a) Plasmalemma

(b) Plasmodesmata

(c) Plastoquinone

(d) Endoplasmic reticulum 

Answer : B


14. Osmotic concentration of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by_______

(a) Vacuoles

(b) Ribosomes

(c) Plastids 

(d) Mitochondria 

Answer : A


15. Which of the following criterion does not pertain to facilitated transport?

(a) High Selectivity

(b) Transport Saturation 

(c) Uphill transport 

(d) Requirements of special membrane. 

Answer : C


16. With increase in turgidity of a cell surrounded by water the wall pressure will_________

(a) Increase

(b) Decrease

(c) Fluctuate

(d) Remain unchanged

Answer: A


17. The water potential and osmotic potential of pure water are___________

(a) 100 and zero

(b) Zero and zero

(c) 100 and 100

(d) Zero and 100

Answer : B


18. If a cell A with D.P.D. 4 bars is connected to cells B, D, whose O.P. and T.P. are respectively 4 and 4, 10 and 7 and 3 bars, the flow of water will be________

(a) C to A, B and D

(b) A and D to B and C

(c) A to B, C and D

(d) B to A, C and D

Answer : D


19. Water vapour comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same stomatal opening carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason out the above statement using one of the following options_________

(a) One process occurs during day time and the other at night

(b) Both processes cannot happen simultaneously

(c) Both processes can happen together because the diffusion coefficient of water and CO, is different

(d) The above process happen only during night time

Answer : C


20. A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of__________

(a) Dissolved sugar in water

(b) Tensile strength of water

(c) Lignification of xylem vessels

(d) Positive root pressure

Answer : B


21. Root pressure develops due to__________

(a) Increase in transpiration

(b) Active absorption

(c) Low osmotic potential in soil

(d) Passive absorption

Answer : B


22. Transpiration and root pressure cause water to rise in plants by______

(a) Pushing and pulling it, respectively

(b) Pulling it upward

(c) Pulling it and pushing it respectively

(d) Pushing it upward

Answer : C


23. Guttation is the result of___________

(a) Osmosis

(b) Diffusion

(c) Root pressure

(d) Transpiration

Answer : C


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