MCQ on DBMS ( Database Management System MCQ )

Database Management System (DBMS) MCQ Issues:

In this article, we will discuss the most important DBMS MCQ to acquaint you with the type of questions asked on Database Management systems (DBMS). Here below we provide a list of Important MCQ on DBMS outlined by our experts who suggest the most important concepts of Database Management System MCQ for various competitive exams. The MCQ on DBMS listed below ranges from the basic to the most advanced MCQ in simple words with examples for your simple understanding.  

A database management system (DataBase Management System, DBMS) is essentially a management system designed to manage data in a database. Relying on the database, it provides functions and interfaces for the unified management of data in the database, and can effectively manage the security, authentication, data backup, data recovery, and data transmission of the database in a unified manner. At the same time, the database management system can classify the database according to the database model it relies on. Most databases manage and maintain the data in the database through a database management system.

Our DBMS MCQ Question adds value to your exam preparation plan and completely transforms your revision process. Practicing the MCQ on DBMS online test will not only help you analyze the examination pattern, question types, and marking scheme but also enhance your time management skills. It is again an important component from the exam point of view. This article will help you find the vital Introduction to DBMS MCQ Pdf.


Important Points to Remember about DBMS 

  1. DBMS commonly known as Database Management System is an application system whose main purpose revolves around data. It is a system that allows its users to store data, define it, retrieve it, and update information about the data inside the database. 
  2. The database management system is one of the most important system software in the field of computer science and technology, and it is also an indispensable basic platform for various information systems. Its main tasks are to collect, classify, organize, process, store, analyze, and provide common technical support for the entire life cycle of the application.
  3. Charles Bachman along with his team invented the first DBMS known as Integrated Data Store (IDS).
  4. Simply a database is a collection of data in some organized way to facilitate its user’s easy access, management, and uploading of data.
  5. The reason for creating the database management system was to store large data and these data can be of any form image, text, audio, video files, etc. DBMS allows users to store and access the data in any format.
  6. DBMS has 3 types of languages ​​as mentioned below: DDL: DDL is the data definition language used to define database and schema structure using certain sets of SQL Queries Create, age, truncate, drop and RENAME.
  7. DCL: DCL is a data control language used to control user’s access to a database, such as grants and withdrawals using certain sets of SQL Queries.
  8. DML: DML is a language manipulation language that is used to manipulate a database, including select, insert, delete, and update using certain sets of SQL queries such as entry, deletion, etc.
  9. RDBMS is a relational database management system that contains data in the form of tables and the data is accessed based on common fields between tables.
  10. The essence of the database management system is that the user hopes to use the “computing + storage” capability provided by the database management system to obtain the calculation result by performing user-specified analysis and calculation on the data in the storage through the computing power of the computing node, and finally, realize the application of the data.

MCQ on DBMS with and Answers Pdf:

1. A database is an organized collection of_______________

(a) data

(b) Attributes

(c) Record

(d) None of the above

Answer: A


2. A database management system (DBMS) is a________

(a) Hardware system used to create, maintain and provide controlled access to a database

(b) Hardware system used to create, maintain and provide uncontrolled access to a database

(c) Software systems used to create, maintain, and provide uncontrolled access to a database

(d) Software systems used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to a database

Answer: D

Read: MCQ on Computer Hardware and Software 

3. Database management system (DBMS) is a___________

(a) DBMS is a collection of queries

(b) DBMS is a high-level language

(c) DBMS is a programming language

(d) DBMS stores, modifies and retrieves data

(e) None of the above

Answer: D


4. A Database Management System (DBMS) is_____________

(a) collection of data describing one particular enterprise

(b) collection of programs to access data

(c) collection of interrelated data

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


5. What is the full form of DBMS?

(a) Data of Binary Management System

(b) Database Management System

(c) Database Management Service

(d) Data Backup Management System

Answer: B


6. Which of the following is not a database program?

(a) MySQL

(b) Oracle

(c) Writer

(d) base

Answer: C

Read: MCQ on Internet of Things (IoT)

7. What is DBMS?

(a) DBMS is a collection of queries

(b) DBMS is a high-level language

(c) DBMS is a programming language

(d) DBMS stores, modifies and retrieves data

Answer: D


8. Which of the following is not the advantage of the database?

(a) Sharing of Data

(b) Reduce Data Redundancy

(c) Increase Data Inconsistency

(d) Data Security

Answer: C

Read: MCQ on Operating System 

9. Who created the first DBMS?

(a) Edgar Frank Codd

(b) Charles Bachman

(c) Charles Babbage

(d) Sharon B. Codd

Answer: B


10. When data is stored, maintained, and retrieved from multiple tables then special database software is required called______

(a) DBMS


(c) Special DBMS

(d) All of the above

Answer: B


11. Which type of data can be stored in the database?

(a) Image-oriented data

(b) Text, files containing data

(c) Data in the form of audio or video

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


12. SQL stands for_________________

(a) Structured Queue Language

(b) Structured Query Language

(c) Structured Query Lang

(d) None of the above

Answer: B


13. In which of the following formats data is stored in the database management system?

(a) Image

(b) Text

(c) Table

(d) Graph

Answer: C


14. _______________ are the basic building blocks of a database.

(a) Tables

(b) Record

(c) Fields

(d) All of the above

Answer: A


15. Which of the following is not a type of database?

(a) Hierarchical

(b) Network

(c) Distributed

(d) Decentralized

Answer: D


16. A DBMS that combines a DBMS and an application generator is ____

(a) Oracle Corporation’s Oracle

(b) Microsoft’s SQL Server

(c) Microsoft’s Access

(d) None of these

Answer: C


17. __________ are used to identify which type of data we are going to store in the database.

(a) Datatype

(b) Record

(c) Table

(d) Attributes

Answer: A


18. DBMS helps to achieve_________

(a) Data independence

(b) More redundancy

(c) Centralized manner to control data

(d) Both a and c

Answer: D


19. Which of the following is not an example of DBMS?

(a) MySQL

(b) Microsoft Acess

(c) IBM DB2

(d) Google

Answer: D


20. Which of the following is/are the primary features of a DBMS?

(a) To provide an environment that is congenial to the user

(b) To store the information

(c) To retrieve information

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


21. Which of the following is a feature of DBMS?

(a) Minimum Duplication and Redundancy of Data

(b) High Level of Security

(c) Single-user Access only

(d) Support ACID Property

Answer: C


22. A database management system____________

(a) Allows simultaneous access to multiple files

(b) Can do more than a record management system

(c) Is a collection of programs for managing data in a single file

(d) Both a and b

Answer: D


23. Which data type will be appropriate to store information such as Salary, Fees, Price, etc?

(a) Alphanumeric Data types

(b) Numeric Data type

(c) Binary Data types

(d) Date Time

Answer: B


24. External database is_________

(a) Database created using DBMS package

(b) Database created in MS-Word

(c) Database created in EXCEL

(d) All of the above

Answer: A


25. Which of the following is a function of the DBMS?

(a) Storing data

(b) Providing multi-user access control

(c) Data Integrity

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


26. The method of file organization in which data records in a file are arranged in a specified order according to a key field is known as the

(a) Sequential access method

(b) Queuing method

(c) Predetermined method

(d) Direct access method

Answer: A


27. _______ data types are used for storing photos, music files, etc

(a) Binary

(b) Alphanumeric

(c) Numeric

(d) Special

Answer: A


28. A logical schema_____________

(a) Is the entire database.

(b) describe data in terms of relational tables and columns, object-oriented classes, and XML tags.

(c) Describes how data is stored on disk.

(d) Both (A) and (C)

Answer: A


29. SET concept is used in_____________

(a) Network Model

(b) Hierarchical Model

(c) Relational Model

(d) None of these

Answer: A


30. An advantage of the database management approach is___________

(a) Data is dependent on programs.

(b) Data redundancy increases.

(c) Data is integrated and can be accessed by multiple programs.

(d) None of the above

Answer: C


31. The database environment has all of the following components except:

(a) Users.

(b) Separate files

(c) Database.

(d) Database administrator

Answer: B


32. DBMS helps to achieve____________

(a) Data independence.

(b) Centralized control of data.

(c) Control redundancy.

(d) All of the above.

Answer: D


33. Conceptual design____________

(a) Is a documentation technique.

(b) Needs data volume and processing frequencies to determine the size of the database.

(c) Involves modeling independent of the DBMS

(d) Is designing the relational model.

Answer: C


34. A DBMS query language is designed to___________

(a) Support end users who use English-like commands

(b) Support in the development of complex applications software.

(c) Specify the structure of a database.

(d) All of the above.

Answer: D


35. The property/properties of a database is/are:

(a) It is an integrated collection of logically related records.

(b) It consolidates separate files into a common pool of data records.

(c) Data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it.

(d) All of the above

Answer: D


36. Which one of the following statements is false?

(a) The data dictionary is normally maintained by the database administrator.

(b) Data elements in the database can be modified by changing the data dictionary.

(c) Data elements in the database can be modified by changing the data dictionary.

(d) The data dictionary is a tool used exclusively by the database administrator.

Answer: B


37. It is better to use files than a DBMS when there are______________

(a) Stringent real-time requirements

(b) Multiple users wish to access the data

(c) Complex relationships among data

(d) All of the above.

Answer: B


38. Given the basic ER and relational model which of the following is incorrect?

(a) An entity can have more than one attribute

(b) An attribute of an entity can be composite.

(c) In a row of a relational table, an attribute has more than one value.

(d) In a row of a relational table, an attribute can have exactly one value or a NULL value.

Answer: C


39. The main function of a database management system (DBMS) is_________

(a) Modify the database 

(b) Manage database    

(c) Application Database 

(d) Protect the database

Answer: B


40. Which of the following functions is not a function of the database management system_________

(a) Integrity control

(b) Failure recovery

(c) Concurrency control

(d) Processor Control

Answer: D


41. The language used to define the schema, internal schema, and external schema in the database management system DBMS is_______

(a) C

(b) Basic

(c) DDL

(d) DML

Answer: C


42. A database management system can implement operations such as querying, inserting, modifying, and deleting data in the database. This function is called_________

(a) Data definition function 

(b) Data management function   

(c) Data manipulation functions     

(d) Data control function

Answer: C


43. A database management system is a set of software, which of the following functions does it have___________

(a) Database definition function

(b) Database management function

(c) Database modification function

(d) All of These

Answer: D


44. Transactional consistency refers to________

(a) All operations included in the transaction are either done or not done     

(b) Once the transaction is committed, the changes to the data are permanent

(c) Operations and data used within a transaction are isolated from other concurrent transactions  

(d) A transaction must change the database from one consistent state to another consistent state

Answer: D


45. Transaction isolation refers to______

(a) All operations included in the transaction are either done or not done    

(b) Once a transaction is committed, changes to the database are permanent

(c) Operations and data used within a transaction are isolated from other concurrent transactions  

(d) A transaction must change the database from one consistent state to another consistent state

Answer: C


46. The continuity of the transaction is_________

(a) All operations included in the transaction are either done or not done   

(b) Once a transaction is committed, changes to the database are permanent

(c) The operations and data used within a force are isolated from other concurrent transactions 

(d) A transaction must change the database from one consistent state to another consistent state

Answer: B


47. A database management system is a set of software, which of the following functions does it have__________

A.  Database definition function

B. Database management function

C. Database modification function

D. All of these

Answer: D


48. Which statement about database management systems is correct________

A. A database management system used to store data

B. The database management system can create the database

C. The software that connects to the database is called a database management system

D. database and database management systems are not the same concepts

Answer: D


DBMS (Database Management System)

Definition  of DBMS

A database management system (DBMS) is a Software system used to create, maintain, and provide controlled access to a database.


What is DBMS

  1. A DBMS is computer software that defines, edits, receives, and manages the received data based on available parameters. Generally, a DBMS handles the data format, field name, record structure, and file structure, etc. like; MySQL, Microsoft Access, Oracle, etc.
  2. The full form of DBMS is Database Management System. 
  3. The importance of databases has increased in this present information age. Therefore, databases are prepared in banks, railways, schools, businesses, and various government offices.
  4. With a database, we can easily analyze the data, so that both the user and the programmer can organize the available data in a better way. By analyzing which it becomes easy to arrive at a problem or prediction.
  5. In meteorology, space science, medical field, data plays an important role in predicting and catching a particular pattern. It acts as fuel in these areas.
  6. The size, capacity, and performance of the database are increasing in their respective orders of magnitude. The main reason for the increase in the performance of the database was the progress in computer processors, memory, and technology.

Read: A database management system is MCQ 

Properties of Database

Based on the data model or structure of the technological development of the database, it can be divided into three properties: navigational, relational, and post-relational.

  1. The Navigational Data Model in its early stages consisted of two main Hierarchical Models and the CODASYL (Network Model).
  2. The relational model was first proposed in 1970. The relational model employs a ledger-style table set to be used for different types of entities.
  3. Relational systems began to be used in large-scale data processing experiments in the 1990s. And by the year 2018, IBM, DBM2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server are the most searched DBMS servers.

Object databases were developed to overcome the inconvenience of impedance mismatches. Due to this, the development of the object-relational database was also done along with the post-relational. After that till the year 2000, the new generation of a relational database was recognized as the NoSQL database. NoSQL databases provide fast Value-Store as well as Document-Orientation. To fully understand the Database Management System, we need to know the definitions of its other elements. which is the following.

  1. Database – This is a well-organized collection of similar data. By which data can be easily obtained, created, and edited. Also, it is possible to store it in the format of a table, schema, report, etc.
  2. Data – Various types of information about any object or idea are called data. This information is uncertain and is processed and converted into information. It doesn’t make much sense. It is also called raw information in a common language.

Physically database servers are called dedicated computers, which run only DBMS software based on the actual database. Generally, database servers are multiprocessor computers. Raid Disk arrays are used for storage as well as fixed memory. Raid Disk is used for data recovery when a disk fails.


Types of DBMS

  1. Network Database
  2. Hierarchical Database
  3. Relational Database
  4. Object-Oriented Database

1. Network Database : 

The network database is represented as a record. In which the relationship between one data to another data is shown as a link. In this model, it is possible to represent a record with different categories. That is, a child has many fathers. These models are used to represent complex relationships.

2. Hierarchical Database : 

This database is managed in the form of a tree structure (father-son) with nodes connected through links. top-bottom or top-bottom. In this model, the parent can handle multiple children. But, a child has only one father.

3. Relational Database : 

Relational databases are also known as structure databases. In which data is represented in a table format like Excel Rows & Columns. This database model is the most commonly used. Because it is the easiest model. It stores data in a fixed structure that can be edited by SQL.

4. Object-Oriented Database : 

This model stores the data in object form. Its structure is called class which represents the data. It displays data as a collection of objects.


Functions of a DBMS

Various types of functions are present in DBMS, with the help of which the database and the data in it are managed. There are mainly four functions. The details of which are as follows.

  1. Data Defining – Tasks like creation, modification, etc., by which data can be organized in a better way.
  2. Updating data – The actual data can be inserted, modified, and deleted by the functions present in the DBMS.
  3. Data Backup – DBMS is a powerful software with which we can easily back up the stored file.
  4. Administration – With the help of this function, the user registers, monitors, data security, etc., as well as recovers that data, which sometimes suddenly gets lost in the event of System Failure. (MCQ on DBMS)

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