MCQ on Brown Algae with Answers

Brown Algae MCQ Questions and Answers Pdf:

This article leads you to the Top 10 solved MCQ on Brown Algae which is important topics important from NEET standpoint and Other Entrance Exams. The MCQ below lists different topics with corresponding Brown algae MCQ, facilitating smooth learning and search experience.


MCQ on Brown Algae with Answers:

1. The members of Phaeophyceae or brown algae are found primarily in_______

(a) Marine habitats

(b) Terrestrial habitats

(c) Freshwater habitats

(d) Both freshwater and marine habitats

Answer: A


2. Brown algae show great variation in size and form. They are generally________

(a) Simple unbranched, filamentous forms

(b) Profusely branched forms as represented by kelps

(c) Unicellular to colonial

(d) Unicellular to heterotrichous

Answer: B


3. Ectocarpus is a_______

(a) Red alga

(b)Unicellular alga

(c) Filamentous alga

(d) Colonial alga

Answer: D


4. Some brown alga may reach a max. height of______

(a) 10 meters

(b) 1 meter

(c) 100 meters

(d) 1000 meters

Answer: D


5. Brown algae possess pigments like chlorophyll a, c, carotenoids, and___________

(a) phycobilins

(b) xanthophylls

(c) fucoxanthin

(d) sorbitol

Answer: C


6. Brown algae vary in color from olive green to various shades of brown depending upon the amount of the pigment________

(a) violaxanthin

(b) r-phycoerythrin

(c) laminarin

(d) fucoxanthin

Answer: C


7. In brown algae, f0od 1s are stored as complex carbohydrates which may be in the form of__________

(a) Florida starch

(b) amylopectin and glycogen

(c) laminarin or mannitol

(d)starch and glycogen

Answer: B


8. In brown algae, the vegetative cells have a cellulosic wall usually covered on the outside by a gelatinous coating of___________

(b) mannitol

(a) algin

(c) laminarin 

(d) carragheen

Answer: D


9. In brown algae, the plant body is usually attached to the substratum by (a) _________and has a stalk, the __________, and leaf-like photosynthetic organ the________

(a) stipe, frond, holdfast,

(b) frond, stipe, holdfast

(c) holdfast, stipe, frond

(d) frond, holdfast, stipe

Answer: A


10. In Brown algae, the gametes are__________

(a) pyriform and bear two apically attached flagella

(b) pyriform and bear two laterally attached flagella

(c) pyriform and bear one apically attached flagella

(d) pyriform and bear one laterally attached flagella

Answer: A


11. Which of the following is not a group of brown algae?

(a) Sargassum and Fucus 

(b) Ectocarpus, Dictyota

(c) Dictyota, Laminaria 

(d) Sargassum and Ficus

Answer: C


12. Asexual reproduction in most brown algae is by___________

(a) tetraflagellate z00spores

(b) uniflagellate zoospores

(c) biflagellate zoospores

(d) nonflagellate zoospores

Answer: C


13. In most brown algae, zoospores are__________

(a) pear-shaped and have two equal laterally attached flagella

(b) pear-shaped and have two unequal apically attached flagella

(c) pyriform and have two unequal laterally attached flagella

(d) pyriform and have two equal apically attached flagella

Answer: D


14. In brown algae, the union of gametes may take place_________

(a) within the oogonium

(b) in water or Within the oogonium

(c) water

(d) sporangia

Answer: D


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