Difference Between Isolation and Quarantine

What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?

During the period of pendamic Covid-19, three words are being used a lot. These words are self isolation, self quarantine and Isolation. There is a subtle difference between these three. Let us understand the difference between these three here.

Difference Between Isolation and Quarantine

Introduction to Isolation and Quarantine:

  • Isolation and Quarantine prevent the spread of covid-19 infection.
  • Both the words isolation and quarantine are of great importance in preventing the spread of covid-19 infection. 
  • The meaning of both these words can be considered as the disconnection of the infected person from the society or the people around him. 
  • But there is a basic difference between isolation and quarantine, which makes these two words different from each other. 
  • Usually people do not know the basic difference between it and keep using isolation and quarantine improperly. 
  • To prevent the spread of corona virus infection, it is very important to know the true meaning of these words. 
  • Let us know their meaning, which has been told by the World Health Organization (WHO).

History of Isolation and Quarantine:

  • Quarantine is considered the most effective and oldest mechanism to reduce the rapid spread of bacterial or virus infection. It is legally approved by all jurisdictions in the world for the maintenance of public health and to control the transmission of diseases.

  • This shows that the medical world has recognized the quarantine method as an effective measure in preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

  • In the year 1377, the Great Council passed the Medical Isolation Bill for the first time to stop the spread of the rapidly spreading plague in the continent of Europe.

  • A time period of 30 days was fixed under isolation, which was named Trentino. When this time period was increased to 40 days then it came to be known as Quarantine.
  • In the year 1824, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, John Marshall, said in an order that the state had full authority to enforce the quarantine law and health emergency guidelines in the fear of spreading an infectious disease. They have the rights.

What is Quarantine?

  • Generally, the word Quarantine is derived from the Latin word Quarantena. Which basically means ’40 days time’. It means quarantine or restriction of movement on the shore.
  • Any disease which has been confirmed to be transmitted from one person to another and during that time if a person is suspected to be infected, even if he does not show signs of infection, then the activities of that person are restricted to a particular place.
  • In fact, in ancient times, ships on which a passenger was suspected to be sick or to have disease-carrying germs in the cargo on board, then that ship had to stay away from port for forty days.
  • The system originated as an attempt to stop the plague in Great Britain.
  • According to the World Health Organization, the word quarantine is associated with a person who has recently been in contact with a symptomatic (with symptoms) or asymptomatic (without symptoms) person infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes covid-19. 
  • Quarantine means that you have to isolate from everyone else (including family members) as soon as possible, because you have been exposed to the virus and you can infect other people with the virus.
  • Suspected person can quarantine at home, in a room in the house or in any center. Where there is a facility to use basic facilities without coming in contact with any other person. 
  • In relation to covid-19, suspected should quarantine for 14 days at the Quarantine Center or at home.

What is isolation?

  • According to WHO, the word isolation refers to those people showing symptoms of covid-19 or their covid-19 test report has come positive. 
  • In isolation, you have to stay separate from everyone else. Because you can also infect family members or other people around.
  • Ideally, suspected should do the isolation in a center with medical facilities, where you can get timely medical help. 
  • But if the medical center is not available or you do not fall in the high risk group (high risk group) with a serious condition, then you can isolate at home. 
  • However, even during this time you should seek medical advice and help. 
  • If you are showing symptoms of corona, then at least 10 days and additional 3 days should be spent in isolation after the symptoms of corona are over. 
  • If you are infected, but do not have any symptoms of covid-19, then you should remain in isolation for at least 10 days after getting a positive report.

Difference between isolation and quarantine :

  • Normally, the process of isolation is adopted when a person becomes infected with an infectious disease. In this process, the infected person is isolated from other non-infected people so that the infection cannot be transferred from person to person. At the same time, the process of quarantine is adopted when there is a possibility of a group or community being infected.

  • The work of isolation is possible only in places equipped with health equipment such as hospitals, medical centers, medical colleges, etc. Whereas the process of quarantine can be adopted temporarily in places equipped with limited health equipment. A person can also home-quarantine himself, that is, limit his activities to only one room of his house.

  • Where the purpose of isolation is to make the infected person completely free from infection, the purpose of quarantine is to monitor the group or community at risk of infection.

  • According to the World Health Organization in the context of corona virus, there is no fixed time period for isolation as it works till the person is completely infection free. Whereas the time period of quarantine has been fixed at 14 days.

The process of isolation is adopted when a person becomes infected with an infectious disease.The process of quarantine is adopted when there is a possibility of a group or community being infected.
The work of isolation is possible only in places equipped with health equipment such as hospitals, medical centers, medical colleges, etc.Whereas the process of quarantine can be adopted temporarily in places equipped with limited health equipment. like home-quarantine
The purpose of isolation is to make the infected person completely free from infection.The purpose of quarantine is to monitor the group or community at risk of infection.
There is no fixed time period for isolation as it works till the person is completely infection free.The time period of quarantine has been fixed at 14 days.

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