Distance and Displacement MCQ

 MCQ on Distance and Displacement:

  • Displacement: The directed line segment of an object doing mechanical movement from the initial position to the end position, its size has nothing to do with the path, and the direction is from the start point to the endpoint. It is a physical quantity with magnitude and direction, that is, a vector.
  • Distance is the length of the object’s motion trajectory, which is a scalar.
  • Displacement is a vector, and its size is only related to the position of the starting point and the ending point of the movement and has nothing to do with the actual path experienced by the object movement.
  • The distance is a scalar, and the size is related to the path that the object moves through.
  • Displacement is a physical quantity that describes the size and direction of the position change of an object. 
  • It is a directed line segment of a moving object from the initial position to the final position. Displacement has both magnitude and direction and is a vector. 
  • The magnitude is only related to the position of the starting point and the ending point of the movement and has nothing to do with the actual path that the object moves through.
  • The distance is the length of the path that the object moves through, which is a scalar, and the size is related to the path that the object moves through.
  • Displacement and distance are both process quantities, and both displacement and distance of object motion need to go through a period.
  • In terms of size, in general, the size of the displacement is smaller than the distance. Only in a unidirectional linear motion, the size of the displacement is equal to the distance.

Distance and Displacement MCQ with Answer

1. What is Displacement?

A. When a body moves from one position to another the change is called displacement. 

B. The change from the initial position to the final position is called displacement.

C. Both of these 

D. None of these 

Answer: C

2. The change from the initial position to the final position is called________

A. displacement

B. distance

C. speed

D. velocity

Answer: A

3. The magnitude of the displacement from initial position to final position is the_______

A. straight line

B. curved line

C. circle

D. total distance

Answer: A

4. A small ball falls from a height of 4m, bounces off the ground, and is caught at a height of 1m.

A. The displacement is 5m    

B. The distance is 5m

C. The displacement size is 3m  

D. Both B and C

Answer: D

5. The equation d = r2-r1 is referred to as body’s__________

A. displacement

B. work

C. speed

D. acceleration

Answer: A

6. The particle moves around a circle with radius R and returns to the starting point. The maximum distance and displacement during the movement are______

A. 2πR 2R

B. 2R 2πR

C. 2R 2R

D. 2πR 0

Answer: A

7. A ball fell vertically from a height of 2m from the ground, and after hitting the ground, it bounced back to a height of 0.9m. In this process, the distance and displacement of the ball are respectively______

A. 2.9m, 2.9m

B. 2m, 0.9m

C. 2.9m, 1.1m

D. 2.9m, 0.9m

Answer: C

8. Among the following four movements, the largest displacement is: 

A. The object moves 8m east, then 4m west

B. The object moves 2m east, then 8m west

C. The object moves 6m east first, then 8m south

D. The object moves 3m east, then 8m north

Answer: C

9. An object moves from point A to point B, which of the following conclusions is correct________

A. The displacement of an object must be equal to the distance

B. The displacement of an object is in the same direction as the path, from A to B

C. The magnitude of the displacement of an object is always less than or equal to its distance

D. The displacement of an object is a straight line, and the distance is a curve

Answer: C

10. A student runs a circle along a circular track with a circumference of 400 meters and then returns to the starting point.

A. The distance is 400 meters, and the displacement is 400 meters

B. The distance is 400 meters, and the magnitude of the displacement is 0 meters

C. The distance is 0 meters and the displacement is 400 meters

D. The distance is 0 meters, and the magnitude of the displacement is 0 meters

Answer: B

11. Which of the following statements about displacement and distance is correct:

A. If a particle moves along a straight line, the distance it travels is displacement.

B. The distances traveled by the particles are different, but the displacements may be the same

C. The displacement of the particle is zero, indicating that the particle is not moving

D. After a particle passes through a displacement, the distance it travels may be zero

Answer: B

12. Which of the following statements is correct_______

A. When a particle moves in a straight line, its displacement must be equal to its distance

B. Two particles with the same displacement must travel the same distance.

C. When doing curvilinear motion, the magnitude of the displacement in a certain period must be less than the distance

D. If two particles travel the same distance, their displacements must be equal

Answer: C

13. A small ball moves on a circular orbit with a circumference of 2m, starts from a certain point, and goes back to the point, then the ball’s_______

A. The displacement size is 0 and the distance is 2m

B. Displacement size and distance are both 2m

C. The displacement size is 2m, and the distance is 0

D. Displacement size and distance are both 0

Answer: A

14. Regarding displacement and distance, which of the following statements is correct_______

A. Displacement and distance are vectors

B. Displacement is a vector, distance is a scalar

C. The distance must be equal to the magnitude of the displacement

D. The greater the distance, the greater the displacement

Answer: B

15. Regarding displacement and distance, which of the following statements is false_______

A. Taxis are charged by distance

B. During the movement of the object, the displacement size will not be greater than the distance

C. Only when an object moves in a straight line in one direction, the displacement is equal to the distance.

D. The distance is the magnitude of the displacement

Answer: D

16. Which of the following statements is correct________

A. The greater the distance of the object, the greater the displacement

B. When an object moves in a straight line, the magnitude of the displacement is equal to the distance

C. When the displacement of an object is zero, its distance must also be zero

D. When two objects have the same displacement, their distances are not necessarily the same

Answer: D

17. Regarding displacement and distance, which of the following statements is correct_______

A. If the displacement of an object moving in a certain period is zero, then the object is not necessarily stationary

B. If the distance traveled by an object in a certain period is zero, then the object must be stationary

C. In curvilinear motion, the magnitude of the displacement of an object is less than its distance

D. All of these 

Answer: D

18. Which of the following statements about time and moment, displacement and distance is correct_______

A. The time from the end of 5s to the beginning of 6s is 1s

B. A moment is a short time

C. For an object moving in a straight line, the displacement and the distance are always equal

D. The magnitude of the object displacement is always less than or equal to the distance

Answer: D

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