MCQ on Leprosy

Multiple Choice Questions on Leprosy

1. What is the scientific name of leprosy?

(1) Hansen’s Disease

(2) Down syndrome 

(3) Turner syndrome 

(4) Klinefelter syndrome 

Answer: 1

2. Which drug is used for leprosy?

(1) Rifampicin

(2) Paracetamol 

(3) Penicillin 

(4) All of these 

Answer: 1

3. Which parts of the body can leprosy affect?

(1) The nerves, 

(2) skin, eye

(3) The lining of the nose (nasal mucosa).

(4) All of these 

Answer: 4

4. What is the major source of infection of leprosy?

(1) Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae)

(2) Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 

(3) Any strain of bacteria 

(4) Water 

Answer: 1

5. Leprosy is also known as_________

(1) Hartmann’s disease  

(2) Hansen’s disease  

(3) Humprey’s disease  

(4) Harry’s disease

Answer: 2

6. What is the average incubation period of M leprae?

(1) The incubation period of leprosy is long, ranging from a few months to 20-50 years.

(2) The incubation period of leprosy is short as possible.

(3) The incubation period of leprosy is ranging from 1 day to 1 week.

(4) None of these 

Answer: 1

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